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india’s Small cap (MSME) reached to 1lakh crore

MSMEs Booming with Early Credit Guarantee Achievement:

india's Small cap reached to 1lakh crore

India’s Small cap (MSME) reached to 1lakh crore, and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are experiencing a significant boost in the current fiscal year. The Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE) announced a remarkable achievement of approving Rs 1 lakh crore in credit guarantees in just seven months. This milestone, typically reached within 12 months, reflects the rapid growth and increasing importance of MSMEs in the Indian economy.

MSMEs: Pillars of India’s Economic Growth:

These small businesses play a crucial role in driving India’s economic engine. They are major job creators, contributing significantly to employment with an estimated 96% of industrial units in the country falling under the MSME category. Additionally, MSMEs contribute to 40% of overall industrial production and a noteworthy 42% of Indian exports.

GDP Contribution:

The Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation highlights the substantial impact of MSMEs on India’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Their Gross Value Added (GVA) has consistently constituted a significant portion of the overall GDP, standing at 30.5% in 2019-20, 27.2% in 2020-21, and 29.2% in 2021-22. This data showcases the substantial contribution of MSMEs to the country’s economic output.

SegmentGDP Contribution (%)Additional Information
MSMEs29.2MSMEs typically operate with smaller capital sizes compared to Big Caps and Mid Caps. Their total estimated capital ranges from Rs. 100 lakh crore to Rs. 150 lakh crore.
Big Caps18Big Caps command significant capital, with their combined market capitalization exceeding Rs. 100 lakh crore.
Mid Caps12Mid Cap companies have a total market capitalization estimated between Rs. 20 lakh crore and Rs. 30 lakh crore.
Remaining40.8This segment encompasses other contributors to India’s GDP, including large public sector undertakings, informal sector businesses, and agriculture.
Defining the “top 20 MSMEs in India” can be subjective and depends on various factors like industry, revenue, impact, or innovation. However, I can offer some insights based on different perspectives:

By Revenue:

By Innovation:

By Government Recognition:

Other Notable MSMEs:

Remember, this is not an exhaustive list, and the “top 20” can vary depending on specific criteria. Consider your area of interest within the MSME sector to choose the most relevant companies for your purposes.

Additionally, If you want to know Indi’s GDP detailed study Go To

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